Phone: 888.999.4880

Tina Napolitano - CEO and Partner

I have been married to Mark for over 30 years and we have run many successful businesses together. For Mark poker and travel are his passions and for me it's business and travel. So CardPlayer Cruises makes perfect sense. I love the challenge of business organization and my top priority is always customer service and customer satisfaction.

Since joining the Card Player Cruises family over 5 years ago, things have gone from strength to strength. 2019 was an incredible year with most cruises being oversold. It's a truly unique combination to have travel, poker and a vacation all packed into one. The number of repeat guests says it all.

We work exclusively with Royal Caribbean as we love the client experience they provide, we feel it  compliments the product we are offering. It's just amazing to wake up each and every day and love what you do. Just pack and we literally will do the rest  :-)

Mark and Tina Napolitano on a glacier