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Directions to Port

PORT : Port Everglades
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Port Everglades website

1850 Eller Drive
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316

Fort Lauderdale International Airport
Travel time to Port - approximately 10 minutes

Miami International Airport
Travel time to Port - approximately 45 minutes

From Fort Lauderdale International Airport
Take I-595 East continuing to the last exit. This will automatically direct you to the Port Everglades security entrance. From there, follow the directional signs for your designated ship's pier terminal.

From Miami International Airport
Take 836 East to I-95 North. Exit I-95 North at 595 East. Follow 595 to the end; then follow the Port Everglades signs.

PIER LONG TERM PARKING: After dropping off your checked luggage at the pier terminal with the porters and cruise line representatives, proceed to the Port Everglades Mid Port Parking Garage. Rates are $15.00 USD per day for regular vehicles and $19.00 USD for oversized vehicles (subject to changes without notice). Rates are payable by credit card or cash upon exiting the facility. The Mid Port parking garage is adjacent to Pier Terminal 25. Complimentary shuttle service is available for Pier Terminal 18 or other terminals. For additional information or vehicle size restrictions, please contact Parking USA at +954.468.3680.

SECURITY AT THE PIER: Please expect delays related to security and immigration procedures when arriving at the pier to board the ship. These procedures have been designed for your safety and all attempts will be made to expedite you through the process as quickly as possible.